ChoiceU launches hotel management program

CHOICE UNIVERSITY, OPERATED by Choice Hotels International, recently launched the online “School of Business Principles & Financial Management” program
to train owners and operators of Choice Hotels-branded properties in hotel management. The program equips owners with the tools and knowledge to make informed
decisions, improve operations and increase profitability, Choice said in a statement.

“Choice University’s schools offer our community of owners targeted learning in key areas of hotel management,” said Jeneane Becker, Choice University’s dean.
“Our new School of Business Principles & Financial Management is designed to help them elevate their hotels’ financial performance.”

The new program includes instruction on benchmarking performance, enabling owners to measure their hotel’s results against industry standards and competitors
to identify areas for improvement, the statement said. It also covers income statement and balance sheet basics, helping owners understand and analyze
financial statements to make informed decisions.